
大好きな『きのう何食べた?』オマージュ! ”何食べごはん” を作りながら、ひとりニンマリおなかと気持ちを満たす日々

何食べカヨコさんのコールスロー Coleslaw#4

Hi, It's eyeco!



I binge watching Japanese TV drama 'Kino nani tabeta? (What did you have for dinner yesterday?)' And I tried to cook dishes from the drama.

Today's dish is: Coleslaw. Shredded cabbege and carrot with sugar, wine vineger, mayonnaise, black pepper and salt. Recipe is below.




You can watch some footage on my Instagram!


Aiko Goto(@room510edit)がシェアした投稿 -



The official recipe book of this TV drama ( 'Kino nani tabeta?') is sold and I was thinking about to get it, but I just tried to cook following the drama itself without official book first. JUST FOR FUN!!!!!!!! 

材料 Ingredients

  • キャベツ cabbege 1/4程度(about 1/4 cut)
  • にんじん carrot 1/4程度(about 1/4 cut)
  • ドレッシングビネガー(白ワインビネガー) wine vineger 大さじ1と1/2(17.5g)
  • 砂糖 sugar 小さじ1(5g)
  • マヨネーズ mayonnaise 適量(as much as you like)
  • 黒こしょう black pepper 適量(as much as you like)
  • 塩 salt 適量(as much as you like)


作り方 How to cook

  1. ボウルにビネガーと砂糖を入れて混ぜる
  2. キャベツとにんじんは千切りにしてボウルに入れて混ぜ、キャベツがぺしゃんこになるまで放置
  3. マヨネーズ、黒こしょう、塩で味付けする


  1. Put vinegar and suger in a bowl and stir them.
  2. Shredded cabbege and carrot in the bowl and mix them. Leave for while.(Until cabbege becomes soft.)
  3. Add mayonnaise, black pepper and salt.



Kayoko from the drama mention to use 'dressing vinegar' though, I didn't know what it was. So I used wine vinegar for this dish.




I wasn't sure proper amount from the drama, so I adjusted amount watching Siro-san's cooking. It was for 2 dishes. 



スーパーなどで売っているカット野菜を使えば、包丁要らずでもっとカンタンに作れるコールスロー! お手軽サラダとしても重宝しそうです^^