
大好きな『きのう何食べた?』オマージュ! ”何食べごはん” を作りながら、ひとりニンマリおなかと気持ちを満たす日々

何食べシロさんの適当おかず Stewed chicken with tomato#3

Hi, It's eyeco!



I binge watching Japanese TV drama 'Kino nani tabeta? (What did you have for dinner yesterday?)' And I tried to cook dishes from the drama.

Today's dish is: Stewed chicken with tomato. Chicken, vegetables and mushroom stew with tomato can(including juice). Sprinkle cheese at last!!  Recipe is below.





You can watch some footage on my Instagram!



Aiko Goto(@room510edit)がシェアした投稿 -



The official recipe book of this TV drama ( 'Kino nani tabeta?') is sold and I was thinking about to get it, but I just tried to cook following the drama itself without official book first. JUST FOR FUN!!!!!!!! 


材料 Ingredients

  • 鶏もも肉 chicken thigh 1枚(1chicken thigh)
  • 玉ねぎ onion 1個(1onion)
  • しめじ mushroom 1/2~1/2株分程度(a half or one third of mushroom's strain)
  • にんにく garlic 1/2片(a half of piece of garlic)
  • トマト缶 tomato can 1/2缶程度(a half of tomato can)
  • コンソメキューブ chicken&flavored vegetables soup stock 1個(one cube)
  • 塩 salt 適量(as much as you like)
  • 黒こしょう black pepper 適量(as much as you like)
  • バジル basil 適量(as much as you like)
  • オレガノ oregano 適量(as much as you like)
  • チーズ cheese 適量(as much as you like)


作り方 How to cook

  1. 鶏肉は食べやすい大きさにカット。玉ねぎは薄い櫛形に切り、にんにくはみじん切り、しめじはほぐしておく
  2. フライパンに鶏肉を入れ、両面こんがり焼き目をつけたら取り出す
  3. 2のフライパンで、にんにく、玉ねぎ、しめじを入れ、玉ねぎがくったりするまで炒める
  4. トマト缶を半分入れ、もう半分を別の器に移したら、1缶分の水を注いでフライパンに入れてくつくつ煮る
  5. 鶏肉を戻し、コンソメキューブ、バジル、オレガノ、黒こしょうを入れる
  6. 最後にチーズを加える


  1. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Slice onion, chopped garlic and tear apart mushroom.
  2. Put chickens to a pan and grill first. Then, take them out.
  3. Fry garlic, onion and mushroom to the pan until onion get soft.
  4. Pour tomato and juice from tomato can and add water(about 200ml) to the pan.
  5. Put chicken back to the pan and stew them for while with weak heat. 
  6. Sprinkle black pepper, basil, oregano and melty-cheese.



I used 'bite-size pieces chicken thigh' on the market. So, I didn't cut chicken into bite-size pieces by myself.



I chose 'melty-sliced cheese' for toast. It's easy to use for one person.



ただ、 鶏肉だけ半量に! それでも、写真の器で2回分でペロリ。

Shiro-san (Main person of the TV drama) cook for 2 people.This time I followed his recipe except chickens. I reduced just chicken's amount from 1 to a half. I got 2 dishes by this recipe. I reheat and add another cheese on the pan on next day. It was still nice,I enjoyed!


