
大好きな『きのう何食べた?』オマージュ! ”何食べごはん” を作りながら、ひとりニンマリおなかと気持ちを満たす日々

何食べシロさんのきんぴらでひとり飯 Fried lotus roots with sweet-salty-sour taste#2

Hi, It's eyeco!



I binge watching Japanese TV drama 'Kino nani tabeta? (What did you have for dinner yesterday?)' And I tried to cook dishes from the drama.

Today's dish is: Fried lotus roots. Sweet-salty-sour taste is addictive.Simple and easy cooking so try it!! Recipe is below.




You can watch some footage on my Instagram!


Aiko Goto(@room510edit)がシェアした投稿 -




The official recipe book of this TV drama ( 'Kino nani tabeta?') is sold and I was thinking about to get it, but I just tried to cook following the drama itself without official book first. JUST FOR FUN!!!!!!!! 


材料 Ingredients

  • れんこん lotus roots 小1個(small one)
  • 鷹の爪 chili peppers 適量(as much as you like)
  • ごま油 sesami oil 適量(as much as you like)
  • 砂糖 sugar 小さじ1/2(about 2.5g)
  • 酒 sake フライパンに半周程度(a half round along the pan)
  • みりん mirin(sweet sake)フライパンに半周程度(a half round along the pan)
  • めんつゆ mentsuyu(dashi+soy sause+mirin+sugar) フライパンに半周程度(a half round along the pan)
  • 酢 rice vinegar フライパンに半周程度(a half round along the pan)


 作り方 How to cook

  1. れんこんは皮をむき、食べやすい大きさにカット
  2. フライパンにごま油とカットした鷹の爪を入れて熱し、れんこんを炒める
  3. 砂糖、めんつゆ、酒、みりんを入れて混ぜ、最後に酢を回しかけて火を止める


  1. Peel lotus roots and cut it about 4~5cm thick.
  2. Cut chilipepper and sesami oil in a pan and heat.
  3. Add suger, mentsuyu,sake, mirin and rice vinegar at last to the pan.



I used shredded chili peppers on the market. It's easy to use and keep for cooking! 



シロさんは2人分だから、れんこんの量だけでなく、調味料も倍で。写真の器で、もう半量分できたので、翌朝も食べました! しっかり味付けしてるから数日は持つと思う。お弁当やつくりおきおかずにもよさそうです。

Shiro-san (Main person of the TV drama) cook for 2 people, so amount is double.
I got a half spare dish so I ate it next morning. This dish can be preserved food which last a couple of days in the refrigerator or at cool room temperature.



れんこん以外のきんぴらもいいよね! ベーシックにごぼうとにんじんでもおいしそうだし、ちょっとやってみたいと思うのは、菊芋! アレンジリストに載せよう^^